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Well the site has finaly been Improved. Happy day! with this better looking site I am now full of motivation and...screw it I'm still just as lazy. Chapter 2 will be updated tomorrow. Also because I may go ahead of the date with uploading by chapter and not by page the dates are a year early. So I have been updating recently, so don't go thinking that I haven't updated for a year...your still thinking it.

sigh...still some problems...maybe by the end of this week...

Comments. These things are good. Like, yknow, comment-type thingies where people can comment. And by people I mean me. And by me I mean my god its late and it's only just after midnight and I'm ever so bloody tired anyway. Esther. Hmmm. haven't seen esther since con. Should do that. Ah well. This is a test of the comments box. Feel free to chuck pennies, even though all it will do is break your monitor.